Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Not a recommended way

to lose weight, but due to the fact that I have been up most of the night being sick I have lost another 3lb this week.

I really didn't expect to lose any at all as I stuffed my face with Fiona's Sticky Willies at the South Wales Crop on Saturday and then again with Faye's cakes at the Trowbridge Crop on Sunday. And to top it all I was sooooo whacked on Sunday that I treated the family to a McDonalds for tea so that I didn't have to cook when I got home.

So with all that I thought it would be a gain week or at least a plateau week, but no. In the early hours (well 1.23 to be precise) I woke with severe stomach pain and that was the beginning.

Now we only have what I call a modern two up two down and with four of us living here it's really difficult to creep round in the middle of the night - well when you have to rush to the smallest room (which is upstairs) as fast as you can you tend to forget the creeping. Luckily I didn't wake the girls, but apparently Gary thinks he knows exactly how many times I was ill!!

So anyway, I've lost weight after all and now I feel absolutely C**P - seriously considering not opening today at the moment, but I had to close the other week because Alanna was ill and it's not good to keep doing it. Mind you not sure how my customers would feel if I had to suddenly disappear in the middle of ringing up on the till !

Oh the other thing is that I've signed up for the Race for Life - I'll be doing mine at the Cheltenham Racecourse on 1st July. If you want to sponsor me then there is a link to the left (and I'll be mentioning this again during the course of the next few months).

I decided that it would be a good thing to do as well as helping me to start getting fitter - well I'll need to before then :)


Tina said...

Ooh, poor you! Hope you feels better really soon.

Strikes me that you are doing amazingly well at the weight loss: well done!!

Great news about the Race for Life: I got my 'race number' yesterday: very exciting!

Chrissie said...

Bloomin' fantastic weight loss Linz. Well done you!!! You could see that you face was slimmer on Saturday :-)

Throwing up after Maccie D's eh? Mmmmm....

I'm seriously starting a protest campaign about this being ill malarky. I feel completely and utterly dreadful again (was weeping at 5.30 this morning because I felt so crap and overwhelmed at how I'm going to look after Celyn and my Mum (who's still bedridden) today, and do all the housework (not much has been done in the last 2 weeks since I got ill) and all the other things I need to do and be feeling so so so ill. Bah!!!!!! *sob sob*

Nat said...

Wow - well done with the weight loss! but sorry to hear you've been poorly :(
Well done for signing up for the Race for life xx