Sunday, January 21, 2007

Do you ever think

if only......

Come on admit it, there must have been at least one time in your life when you thought it. If only you'd said yes instead of no or vice versa.....

I have a lot of those to look back at, although I must admit I almost always straight away think that if I had made a different choice I wouldn't be with my wonderful DH and the most gorgeous two girls in the world.

I guess my main one is that I wish I hadn't wasted my education and that I'd gone on to University as was expected.

So what's your if only....


Chrissie said...

I'm not telling you THAT!!!!! :o

Tina said...

LOL, mine was the same, about going to University.

I finally went when I was 35.

Although the outcome wasn't what I originally planned, it was definitely one of my better decisions.

Chrissie said...


Nat said...

Snap - mines wasting all my hard work at school and college and not going to uni too. I know people say oh but you're young, and do it before you have kids blah blah.....but it's just too expensive now :(

Chrissie said...

Can I just say!

I went to uni at the age of 32 (on a FOUR year degree). Didn't regret it one bit. I will admit I was single but if people are thinking age is an issue, it's NOT. I also have SEVERAL friends who have gone/are going to uni in their 30s and even 40s.

AND Danny went to uni age 32-35 (graduated last summer). Married with a child. Best thing he ever did apart from marry me and have Celyn!

You CAN go if you WANT to.

Anonymous said...

I agree age shouldn't be an issue. There are lots of mature students on my course. :o) I think you are more likely to do well when you are that little bit older. You want to achieve it more rather than waste time etc.