Saturday, August 05, 2006

Where's the brick wall

Sometimes I swear blind that there is a brick wall out there just waiting for me to bang my head against it. And why do I think that, well when you've got a DH like mine who will not believe that he can do things when the world and his dog are telling him that he can what else do you do.

My DH is a keen amateur photographer, but mainly does wildlife photography. He is infact just about to have one of his photographs published in a photograpy book. However, as much as I tell him that he's just as good at portraiture photography he still doesn't believe me.

This week I designed a layout to teach at a crop today and used one of his photographs on it - everyone that saw that photograph thought that we had gone to a professional and paid for it. Shouldn't that tell him something, but no he still says he knows where all the errors are......

OK, so he can see where he could improve it, doesn't mean it's not blinkin good still though.

Here you go - what do you think

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

It's stunning. If I'd paid to have some photos taken of Celyn and this was one of them, I'd be very happy!