Friday, July 28, 2006

That was the week that was

Wasn't there some TV program called that, or am I just dreaming it all up.

Wish this last week could be called a dream, but it was a bit more like a nightmare!!!

It started Sunday when mil rang to say that the only two days she would have the girls was Tuesday and Wednesday. Now I've been saying over and over and over again for the last goodness knows how long that my only day off is Wednesday and that I would like to do some things with the girls on Wednesdays.

So to start with I get my pig-head on and become stubborn and say that's it their not going over there. Then I calm down a bit and think about it and realise that I'm going to be ultra busy Monday and Tuesday, so it would really help me if they did go over on Tuesday. If I have to give up one Wednesday then so be it, but that's the last one.

As it turned out it was just as well they went as I ended up with some sort of bug that started on Tuesday afternoon and my temperature sored and my throat got the green scrubbing brush feeling (still got the sore throat now).

So my delivery turned up Monday and I start getting manic to get as many pre-orders out of the door as possible - about 2/3rds went out which isn't bad if you knew how many there were. Tuesday morning sees me doing the hour plus round trip to drop the girls off before I start work :( Get the rest of the pre-orders done and all is well (except for the aforementioned temperature etc....).

Wednesday I drag myself out of bed before Gary goes to work, but decide to take the morning easy and didn't go down the shop until about 1pm. And that's when it really started getting bad!

I find that some lovely little cretinous darling has smashed the front window of the shop. Luckily it's a double glazed unit so it's left a hole and lots of cracks but has not shattered. I pay a premium to the council for the windows so I'm straight on the phone to find out what I have to do and that sets the ball rolling to get it sorted.

Then these little brats who I know range from 6-13 (one of them is in the same year as DD1 who is 6) start using the hole in the window as target practice for their football. First I tap the window and shake my head - this makes them jump a bit as I don't think they thought anyone was there. A few minutes later they start again, including punching the window. So I go out and ask politely for them to stop doing it, including trying to have a conversation about how they would feel if it was their window (one of them tells me he lives in a cardboard box - not a good sign). Anyway to cut a long and boring story short it gets worse, I ring the police - when they turn up I find that the lady in the flats above me and the lady in the house next to the shops have also rung the police as they realise that things are getting out of hand.

Trouble is although a policeman turned up, so did two community policewomen. Now I know they do a job and they have their place, but basically these kids were laughing about it all. All they did was take their names and go - they didn't even talk to any of the three of us that had called them - so what good was that.

I was told that the window would be boarded within a few hours of me ringing, however I gave up after three hours and went home to see to the girls, they turned up after 6 hours. So now it's boarded and apparently will take about 5 days to be reglazed.

I guess Thursday and Friday sort of blur into insignificance after that, but at least we are through week one of the school holidays and I still have two daughers and what little sanity I ever had.

Well done if you got this far :)


Chrissie said...

Aww bless Linz. Never mind. That week's over and Sunday's nearly here (have a proper rest on Sunday). xx and (HUGS)

Deborah Duck said...

Little blighters, hope they all got glass splinters and that they go septic.