Sunday, July 09, 2006

Another busy week over

Well this week has certainly been a bit different - what with doing things with/for the girls, the shop footfall was amazing this week.

I've also been involved in a project - sorry can't say any more at the moment (don't you just hate it when people do that), but suffice to say all will be revealed in a couple of weeks.

I'm still trying to decide about shutting the shop for an extra day during the school summer holidays so that the girls have a bit more mummy time. If I do then it will probably be Mondays and Wednesdays, but I really don't know yet.

And I really need some "me" time at the moment too - I know this because I'm getting to tetchy about everything, mind you the weather hasn't been helping that one.

Oh bless - I so love my daughters - they are currently laid back on the settee together with little Sports Relief hand fans and Alanna turns round and says "Why is there so much wind"

Right, off to sort out school uniform etc...

1 comment:

Deborah Duck said...

Ooh you tease! Yes I do hate it when people say that. Have to keep checking now for when you let the cat out of the bag.