Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Nobody is perfect

OK maybe a newborn baby is, but it doesn't take long for that to change.

As much as we may strive to do the right thing and live our lives to a certain set of rules, sometimes we fail. And boy do we know about it when we do, either by beating ourselves up about it or having others do it for us.

A friend of mine recently made a mistake, not a big mistake in that she did what was expected, however maybe not quite in the way it was expected so it became a mistake. She has acknowledged that she made a mistake, but has explained what was done instead. All seemed well for a short while but then BANG it's back again and again and again.

At this point I will hold my hands up and say I wasn't there so this is all hearsay, however I have personally spoken to several people who were and they have all told me the same thing. Strangely enough others that were not there seem to have a completely different story and they are being believed.

I believe my friend, not the chinese whispers hearsay that seems to be so much more agreeable to others. I have seen how much this has upset my friend, I have heard the tears in her voice when she has spoken about what has happened. Even today, a week after it all rose it's nasty little head, this has been thrown in her face again.

So just remember, nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistakes - or can you claim to be the one that can throw the stone.

1 comment:

Deborah Duck said...

Very very well written Linz, and I couldn't agree with your sentiments more.